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Social Studies

Sixth Grade: Ancient Rome Lesson

Ancient Rome Lesson Plan

This lesson focuses on how daily life in Ancient Rome was affected by social class. For this lesson and many others I have used an Understanding by Design lesson plan template because I feel  backward planning emphasizes what students need to understand.

Ancient Rome Formative Assessments

This document contains two formative assessments. The first is what I call a "Ticket to Learn." This would be given to help students begin to access their background knowledge. The second, an exit ticket,  would be used to analyze  misconceptions or areas that need additional instruction. I believe formative assessments are a vital part of responsive teaching.


Seventh Grade: Natural Resources Unit

Five Lessons on Resources

In this unit I focused on creating active learning experiences for my students through the use of authentic learning experiences. These lessons offer an opportunity to integrate learning with science lessons about renewable and nonrenewable resources. I advocate integrated planning because I believe it helps students make necessary cross-disciplinary connections.

Resources Quiz

This is an example of a more traditional assessment. I believe it is helpful to use a variety of assessment types in order to better gauge the learning of all students. At the bottom of this assessment, I also included an exit ticket for this same lesson to be used on a different day of instruction.

​Natural Resource Project and Rubric

This is an example of a group project with rubric for one of the resource lessons included in the lesson plan section. One goal of this project is to increase collaboration and communication skills.

​Letter to Governor Project and Rubric

This is an example of a summative assessment project. This project encourages active citizenship as it allows students the opportunity to turn classroom knowledge into community action.


Eighth Grade: Westward Expansion

Critical Literacy Lesson Plans 

I created these three  lesson plans using critical literacy as the basis for analysis of a historical fiction book. I believe the practice of critical literacy is important for the increasingly diverse classrooms of today.


"This may be the most important period in a human being's life" -Gordon Vars


"We should value approaches that give students opportunities to take initiative and responsibility, and for developing self-understanding" -John Arnold


I completed my teaching internship in a sixth grade classroom at Apple Valley Middle School. During that time I planned, taught, and assessed a unit on Ancient Egypt. While planning for this unit, I used an Understanding by Design lesson plan template. I taught this unit to four classes with 25-30 students in each class.


I chose to use graphic organizers throughout this unit because graphic organizers offer students a visual overview of content. The Nile River Flier project was an assessment at the end of Lesson 1 designed to allow students a chance to show their learning through visual representations. The Hieroglyph alphabet activity and Social Class Sorting Activity offered students a chance to view aspects of Egyptian culture in a more interactive manner. The final WebQuest was completed as an individual assignment, however in the future I plan to turn this into a jigsaw group project.​​

Internship Teaching Video #1

Internship Teaching Video #2

Ancient Egypt Three Lesson Plans
Ancient Egypt Vocabulary Organizer

Ancient Egypt Daily Warm-ups

Ancient Egypt Lesson 1 PowerPoint

Gift of the Nile Graphic Organizer

Nile River Flier Project

Instructions for Nile River Flier Project

Egyptian Daily Life Reading Questions

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Graphic Organizer

Social Class Sorting Activity

Hieroglyph Alphabet Handout and Hieroglyph Example

Ancient Egypt Daily Life WebQuest

Language Arts


Sixth Grade: Lesson based on Reading

Social Influence Reading Lesson

In this lesson, the focus is on encouraging personal connections for students through reading. This lesson could be part of a unit that encourages students to reflect on personal character and make connections to characters in literature.

Tiered Reading Response Worksheets

This reading response sheet is tiered into three levels. This is only a sample, as I would base my tiered questions upon the  needs and ability of specific students in my class.


Seventh Grade Lessons from Understanding Character Unit

Four Lessons Overview

These four lessons would be part of a larger unit titled "Understanding Character." The goal of these lessons is to hep students make connections between understanding character in real life and understanding character in literature.

Character Response Chart

This character response sheet will be used on Lesson 4. The goal of this chart is to help students note how characters change and what causes such changes.


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